Suppose we have a table where one of the column has only two unique values e.g. Sex and we need to calculate the proportion (ratio) of each Sex. We can use the function prop.table to calculate and tabulate the results
Category: ‘R’
Text Analysis Using ‘R’
Text Analysis in R can be performed very efficiently using the Tidyverse set of Libraries, which include dplyr ggplot2 and readr. These libraries can be used for Wrangling Text, Visualization and Sentiment Analysis along with Topic Modelling. The 4 hour course is available on DataCamp’s Website, here.
[Visual]: Data Types in ‘R’
The 5 data types in R are: Vector, Matix, Array, DataFrame and Lists. These can be represented visually as in the image below:
R Programming
Here is an example to compute Area of a Rectangle in R.