In Python Programming, especially while data manipulation, Lists and Tuples are the often used data structures. To declare a List [] square brackets are used while Tuples are defined inside round braces (). The Objects inside a List & Tuple can be of different data types, like, numerical and strings. Both are ordered data structures,… Continue reading Python: List Vs Tuple
Author: SiteAdmin
Calculating the Proportion of Factor Values in ‘R’
Suppose we have a table where one of the column has only two unique values e.g. Sex and we need to calculate the proportion (ratio) of each Sex. We can use the function prop.table to calculate and tabulate the results
Big Data University
The Big Data University is now CognitiveClass.AI. You can access the IBM’s MOOC Site by Clicking
Microsoft Learning: Machine Learning with Python
This course on Microsoft Learn is known as Introduction to machine learning with Python and Azure Notebooks and can be accessed by clicking the link: It has 3 modules: Analyze climate data with Azure Notebooks, Predict flight delays by creating a machine learning model in Python and Analyze the sentiment of reviews with Keras
Text Analysis Using ‘R’
Text Analysis in R can be performed very efficiently using the Tidyverse set of Libraries, which include dplyr ggplot2 and readr. These libraries can be used for Wrangling Text, Visualization and Sentiment Analysis along with Topic Modelling. The 4 hour course is available on DataCamp’s Website, here.
[Visual]: Data Types in ‘R’
The 5 data types in R are: Vector, Matix, Array, DataFrame and Lists. These can be represented visually as in the image below:
Analytics Towards Data Science
Analytics on Data could be one of the following: Descriptive Diagnostic Predictive Prescriptive When it starts at Descriptive and stops at Diagnostics, it is Data Analytics…while moving forward to Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics, it becomes Data Science.
SAS ‘DO’ Loops
The DO Statement in SAS for looping or iteration is used along with while and until special cases. Also, you need to tell SAS whether you need the output of each iteration, for that you need to include the output; statement. You always need to finish it by keyword end; Variables on which DO is… Continue reading SAS ‘DO’ Loops
SQL Server 2019
Microsoft is Introducing SQL Server 2019. This version of SQL Server comes with Apache Spark and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for intelligence over all your data.
Reconciliations in CDM
Two major reconciliations are performed in the management of Clinical Data: SAE Reconciliation and Lab Reconciliation. Here SAE stands for Serious Adverse Events.